15 Easy, Breezy Hairstyles for a Hot Summer’s Day

7. Half Topknot

A variation on the popular hairstyle (one that we’ve already mentioned on this list) is combination of a topknot and a regular old hair down style. We think it creates an amazing look, and also adds a touch of femininity to the original.

8. Hair Pulled to One Side

If you’re looking for something a bit dressier, say for a formal party or a summer wedding, then this is a great hairstyle to go with. Pulling your hair to one side will keep your neck from sweating too much. And if it does get a bit too warm, it can easily be pulled up into a side pony.

9. Side Ponytail

Speaking of side ponytails, that’s another great summer hairstyle too! Not only is it cute and functional for regular wear, it’s super quick and easy to pull together as well.

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